David Bernardo

David Bernardo

Why is it so difficult to start?

Keys to start your business online Nos encanta procrastinar, no porque sea algo que naturalmente aspiramos sino porque inconscientemente así actuamos y mas cuando el camino no está trazado y no sabemos cual debería de ser nuestro primer paso. Empezar…

The new life of funeral homes

If there is one business that we will all be customers of, it is funeral services. However, culturally, it is a complicated business, viewed by many with superstition since talking about death can attract it, they believe. But this sector…

One more nail in the retail coffin

The so-called retail holocaust has been going on for a few years now in the United States with thousands of stores closing (an estimated 15,000 to 25,000 this year). Ecommerce has been growing, but still does not represent the majority…

Time to enter virtual reality

Traveling is no longer so common, work has reduced substantially, we can’t go on vacation abroad, work has become remote, and billions of people are locked up in confined spaces. We want to go out, but we can’t. But if…